Different types of Replacement Windows
Don't know which type of window would best suit your home? Here is a variety of different styles of replacement windows that you could select from.
Awning WindowsAwning windows are designed to both let in sunlight and a
breeze. Awnings can also be opened slightly to allow ventilation.
Casement WindowsCasement windows open outward, as opposed to sliding up
and down, and let in fresh air. They're tightly sealed for energy efficiency
and are designed for those hard-to-reach places, for instance in the kitchen
over the sink.
Double Hung WindowsDouble hung windows allow for the top of the window to be
open, while the bottom pane stays closed. They provide great ventilation and
are easy to clean, because they tilt in.
.Picture WindowsPicture windows provide great views of the outdoors
because they are mostly composed of glass. They're best in areas of your home
where ventilation isn't a concern, because they are permanently sealed shut
against your walls.
WindowsBay windows multiple views allow light to come in from a
variety of angles. In addition, the sides of the bay window can be opened for
air circulation into your home.
Sliding Windows
Sliding windows are a great space
saver for your home and easily slide either left or right to let in a breeze. They
provide great ventilation and let in sunlight.
We hope you've found what you're
searching for. We advise you to consult with a professional for installation of
replacement windows. Please feel free to contact us for any questions you may
In windows replacement London, I think the double hung windows will make the best selection. Apart from the easy maintenance, the look and feel of double hung windows are simply awesome.